zondag 19 augustus 2007


15 years ago a little girl received a picture of a Dutch guest-artist who joined Harvest for a few years. Her name is Marissa and she was only 4 years old.
She used to take Ben's picture everywhere, even slept with it.

Recently I met her again. She is a beautiful young lady of 19 years young. Opportunities are there and life is good. She studies in Dallas, Texas, has a sister and a brother and wonderful loving parents.

She and her parents came to my concert in Maybank, Texas where I performed at the Rope, Catch & Ride for Christ Church. Meeting her reminds me that time never stops. Seeing her made me remember all the good times and friends we met on our many tours throughout the United States.

And this: Not the fly-fishers from Athens - Not the golf buddies of a sleepy community in hill country. These are my boys Tom; alias eatmorecrawfish and Larry; alias Iam JerrysnewbusdriverNOT.
I had the opportunity to perform in Larry's cowboy church this July. We had a great time. Later I thought about these meetings with different friends from old times
cause there is no stopping. This wild stallion called life rides on 4ever. And generation Jones (1954-1965) [Tom, Larry and Me!] has passed by The Baby Boomers('65-'80). These generations have also passed since then: Generation X ('65-'83) the MTV generation ('75-85), Generation Y ('81-99) the Internet generation ('94-2005). Now we have the Interngenerational equity. Figure it out friends!!

So many generations have passed since Vietnam, since 'Smoke on the Water'. And we are all changing. Despite the creams, the lifts, the Botox. Live experience makes us stronger or brakes us down. These people and friends - younger and older - have sunk their teeth into life. They took every challenge despite divorce, cancer, pacemakers and day's without catching any fish.(What?) At times your plate is not full all the way.(Ohh) Might be good for some of us anyway!

Lessons in life are so interesting. I learn every day from people young and old around me. And that makes life fun and worth living. It tells me that every age is special and every day is worth living for! Thanks to all you guys who had an impact in my life. Jerry Williams 2!

Changes; we all have to undergo them but one person always stays the same - never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever so we can depend on somebody stable our whole lives. He unites generations in love, He binds people from different cultural backgrounds together. Only by His love. That's why I love Him, because I am hungry for love! The real stuff.

I say: LOVE each other with brotherly love and dare to learn from the generations.


6 opmerkingen:

Paul zei

Great post, Ben. And now I also now that I am part of the Generation Jones. Yuk, I'm really getting OLD! (1961) Seems like you had a good time in Texas. I can picture you with a cowboy hat. And isn't it nice when a 19 year 'old' ladies carried around your picture with her for such a long time. Did she still recognize you? ;-)

Paul zei

I wanted to write:
"a 19 year old lady"
I hate it that Blogger has no edit function for comments, by the way. But hey, now you have TWO comments.

familieKetting@gmail.com zei
Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
familieKetting@gmail.com zei

Hey Paul!
What would it be like to be 19 again. Wonder if it really is fun. Or would it be boring. Maybe not...
But do it all over again? Maybe some things. Mistakes, wrong choises.....

I guess we'll never know.

Yes she found me on the internet. She brought all the pics. We had a good time and ate some good oll' mexican food! She is fun!

Kom je eens langs voor een wijntje?

Paul zei

Als de wijn rood is en ik er geen kaas bij hoef te eten, sta ik al bijna aan de voordeur.

Zeg maar wanneer.

Paul zei

Wanneer dan, Ben?